How is business?

Real-time market insights for the tire and automotive industry

What is Market Genie?

Data analytics​

Market Genie is a simple, yet powerful community based platform designed to help you understand detailed benchmarks and trends.

In real-time

Market Genie’s analytics are creatively simplified and summarized, allowing shop owners to understand, in real-time, market insights in order to improve operations, make better business decisions, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

How does it work?

Market Genie does this safely and securely, anonymizing data and emphasizing privacy and security for every user on the platform.
Market Genie captures real-time data, in order to give you precise trends and benchmarks around local, regional, or national market activity.
Market Genie is identifying shop-specific trends and benchmarks, giving you the ability to run shops more efficiently and increase revenues.

See it in action

Create an account or schedule your demo now and take the first step towards driving your business to new heights.

Owner Insights

Plans & Pricing

MG Starter




MG Standard



MG Premium



MG Enterprise

Coming soon

MG Starter




MG Standard



MG Premium



MG Enterprise

Coming soon

Book a Demo

Unlock the power of Market Genie with a personalized demo. Explore how our app can transform your auto shop’s market insights, sales strategies, and competitive edge. Schedule your demo now and take the first step towards driving your business to new heights.